
Marina Raulings

Marina is a tax lawyer and industry specialist with over 20 years’ experience. She specialises in Stamp Duty, Land Tax, Payroll Tax and State Taxes.

She advises in relation to these taxes across the entire spectrum from M&A, restructures and transactions through to reviews, objections and appeals in the Courts and Tribunals.

Marina also works with digital businesses and businesses with significant intangible assets. She assists these businesses with identification of intangible assets that may give rise to capital deductions under the income tax regime.

Marina is known for providing responsive client service and exceptional problem-solving skills balancing up commercial objectives and legal issues. She undertakes a commercial approach to her matters, and has an ability to efficiently resolve disputes with tax and revenue authorities.

Marina acts for international and domestic listed and unlisted companies and trusts, government entities, not-for-profits, family groups, family estates and high net worth individuals.


Marina’s expertise includes:

  • Stamp duty
  • Land tax
  • Payroll tax
  • Foreign Purchaser Duty Surcharge
  • Absentee Owner Land Tax Surcharge
  • Vacant Residential Land Tax
  • Growth Area Infrastructure Contribution
  • M&A transactions
  • Tax litigation
  • Charities & not-for-profits


Recent Projects

  • Acting for the taxpayer in Denison Funds Management Ltd v Comr of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2014] VCAT 1385.
  • Acting for the taxpayer in Primary Health Care Ltd v. Commissioner of Taxation [2010] FCA 419.
  • Advising a range of Australian listed and unlisted funds on structuring and transactions.
  • Advising a range of Australian property developers on structuring and transactions.
  • Advising Vocus Group on taxation issues associated with intangible assets.
  • Advising a range of Australian technology companies on taxation issues associated with intangible assets.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Recommended Lawyer, Tax, The Legal 500 Australia
  • Partner of the Year Finalist , Family Law, Lawyers Weekly Partner of the Year





Donnelle Hestelow

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