
Carly Mirza-Price

Carly is a Partner in the Mills Oakley Family Law team in Sydney. Carly works exclusively in the field of family law and has significant expertise across a range of matters including property settlements that involve complex financial and corporate structures and third-party issues, parenting matters (both domestic and internationally), binding financial agreements, child support, divorce, as well as family provision matters and estate documentation.

Highly regarded for her insight and ability to identify key issues, she is also a Collaborative Law practitioner and dedicated to working with clients to resolve their family law matters as quickly and effectively as possible without the intervention of the Court.

Carly endeavours to support her clients by providing practical and relevant solutions to their family law issues. She has a genuine interest in striving to achieve outcomes for her clients that provide them with closure following a very difficult stage of their life, individually and for their family.


Carly’s expertise includes:

  • Property settlements
  • Superannuation
  • Financial structures, including complex matters
  • Child Support
  • Parenting issues
  • Divorce
  • Binding Financial Agreements
  • Third party family law issues
  • International family law issues
  • Collaborative family law

Recent Projects

  • Acting in international and domestic child relocation matters – both for the party seeking to relocate and the party opposing same.
  • Acting in numerous contested property and parenting proceedings requiring higher level representation.
  • Advising and representing third parties to family law proceedings.
  • Negotiating and assisting to resolve matters involving complex parenting and financial issues to avoid protracted litigation.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Recommended, Leading Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyers, New South Wales, Doyle’s Guide 2021-2024
  • Recommended, Family & Divorce Law, New South Wales, Doyle’s Guide 2022-2023
  • Family Law Rising Star, New South Wales, Doyle’s Guide 2018-2020
  • Accredited Specialist in Family Law
  • Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers
  • Member of the Law Society of New South Wales
  • Member of the Family Law Section, Law Council of Australia
  • Member of the Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales
  • Member of:
    • Central Sydney Collaborative Family Law Practice Group
    • Collaborative Professionals (NSW) Inc
    • Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals
    • International Academy of Collaborative Professionals




Special Counsel

Beth Jarman

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