
Chris Wiseman

Chris is a well known and highly regarded planning and environment specialist with over 15 years’ experience acting for private sector and government clients on major developments and significant infrastructure projects.

Chris is a leading expert in Victoria in environmental impact assessments, land valuation, and compulsory land acquisition and compensation and strategic planning and planning disputes in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Planning Panels Victoria and the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Chris has extensive experience advising government departments and agencies on all aspects of approval and compliance requirements for major projects, including compliance with Commonwealth and State legislation. He has also worked in State government, including the Department of Planning and Community Development (now DELWP), as former General Counsel of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (now FRV) and within Valuer-General Victoria and Victorian Government Land Monitor.


Chris’ expertise includes:

  • Environmental Approvals and Compliance
  • Planning Disputes and Strategic Planning
  • Compulsory Land Acquisition and Compensation
  • Valuation of Land
  • Native Vegetation and Biodiversity
  • Aboriginal and European Cultural Heritage
  • Road and Rail Infrastructure and Transport legislation
  • Emergency Services legislation and Fire Safety (including Building and Compliance)
  • Royal Commissions, Inquiries and Investigations

Recent Projects

  • Acting for the West Gate Tunnel Project and North East Link Project as the proponents responsible for delivering two of the largest road projects in Victoria’s history including advising and appearing at the Environment Effects Statement hearings and assisting in the delivery of the land assembly and land acquisition program for the State.
  • Acting for the Level Crossing Removal Program in relation to a range of planning, environmental, land acquisition and road and rail interface issues associated with the removal of 85 dangerous and congested level crossings.
  • Acting for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in relation to environmental and land acquisition issues to deliver a large scale public open space project.
  • Acting for the Department of Justice and Community Safety in relation to the delivery of a new youth justice centre.
  • Acting for the Victorian School Building Authority and Victorian Health Building Authority to deliver a program of new hospital and school sites.
  • Advising landowners and developers in relation to the Environment Protection Act 2017 which commenced on 1 July 2021 and the new duties and powers under this legislation. This includes assisting landowners and developers to comply with environmental notices issued by the Environment Protection Authority.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Member, Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association





Karen Browne

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