
Nikki Cassar

Nikki has over 15 years' specialist experience in the areas of public liability and professional negligence claims.

She advises on policy wording, indemnity, liability, damages, risk allocation and alternative dispute resolution. Nikki is committed to providing commercial advice and mitigating damages.

Nikki’s clients include NSW Councils, local government insurance schemes, commercial property managers and local public liability insurers.

Nikki represents her clients in most jurisdictions throughout New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the High Court of Australia.


Nikki’s expertise includes:

  • Public liability and professional indemnity claims
  • Public liability claims which include a workers’ compensation recovery action component
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Risk assessments for NSW Councils
  • Preparation and presentation of Mock Trials

Recent Projects

  • Successfully defending proceedings for a NSW Council in a claim arising out of negligent inspections in its role as principal certifying authority for a property development.
  • Acting for the owners of playgrounds in relation to personal injury claims for compensation on behalf of minors whilst playing on the equipment.
  • Acting for the owner of an artesian bath in a claim for catastrophic injuries following a dive into the unfenced empty bath at night.  Nikki secured a 60% finding of contributory negligence on the part of the claimant.
  • Successfully defending proceedings for the occupier of a skate park for claims involving catastrophic injuries to minors whilst riding their bicycles at the park.  The claims involved an analysis of various provisions of the Civil Liability Act including obvious risk, risk warnings and dangerous recreational activities.
  • Advising a NSW Council in an intentional tort claim.




Special Counsel

Gina Tilley

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