Special Counsel

Beth Jarman

Beth is a Special Counsel in the Sydney Family Law practice. Beth has been practicing as a solicitor for 30 years and exclusively in Family Law for 22 of those years. Her general legal experience has encompassed family law, property, wills and probate, criminal law, insurance and civil litigation.

For the last 22 years Beth has advised and acted for thousands of clients, dealing with challenging and complex family law litigation in both Commonwealth and State Courts. As a registrar and as a solicitor, she has conducted and participated in numerous mediations.


Beth has extensive experience in dealing with clients who, as a result of family problems, find themselves in financial and emotionally adverse situations. She has experience in obtaining mediated solutions to family problems, as far as possible seeking, quick, practical, realistic and lasting outcomes. However, while recognising the benefits of mediation, recognises that litigation in some matters may be necessary to protect and secure a client’s interests.

As an Accredited Specialist, Beth accepts instructions in all areas of Family Law, however her preferred specialty areas are:

  • Parenting;
  • Property;
  • Spouse maintenance; and
  • ICL matters

Professional qualifications

  • Bachelor of Laws (Macquarie University) – 1985
  • Accredited Family Law specialist


  • Co-authored Inside Family Law – Conversations from the Coalface, published November 2018.
  • 2013 Law Society Certificate of Achievement for continuous practice for 25 years.
  • NSW Government Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of 19 years of outstanding service in family law to courts, clients and colleagues on behalf of Legal Aid NSW.



Martina Storgato

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