
Julian Pinder

Julian manages Mills Oakley’s national Public Law Team.

Julian regularly advises government agencies about all aspects of their operations, including their structure and governance, their regulatory and risk management frameworks, their powers and obligations, their compliance with statutory obligations and administration of the statutory schemes over which they have jurisdiction, their potential liability exposure, their decision-making protocols and procedures, their interpretation of legislation and their implementation of policy. Julian is always mindful to ensure that his advice is pragmatic and implementable, without sacrificing depth of legal analysis and precision.

As a litigator, Julian has over two decades of experience providing advice to and performing advocacy on behalf of a range of government clients, both at the State/Territory and Commonwealth level. Julian has particular expertise managing high volume litigation—including both merits review and judicial review proceedings—and is focused on providing excellent and efficient service. Julian is known for the approachable, professional and pragmatic way he conducts litigation.


Julian’s expertise includes:

  • Acting in judicial review and appellate proceedings
  • Acting in merits review proceedings
  • Acting in freedom of information (FOI) and other information release claims
  • Acting in Royal Commissions, inquiries, regulatory investigations and audits
  • Acting in various types of alternative dispute resolution
  • Acting in commercial and liability litigation
  • Advising on statutory interpretation and compliance
  • Advising on the development and implementation of government policy
  • Conducting reviews of the governance, regulatory frameworks and decision-making frameworks of government agencies
  • Managing high volume and high profile litigation in courts and tribunals

Recent Projects

  • Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs): Julian manages Mills Oakley’s large judicial and merits review, appellate, and advisory practices for Home Affairs nationally. He regularly appears before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and the federal courts as a solicitor advocate. His practice involves a blend of high volume litigation and high profile and sensitive litigation. He has had conduct of numerous proceedings before the High Court of Australia, and has appeared in numerous urgent applications before the Federal Court of Australia, successfully resisting interlocutory applications. Julian’s team has a success rate in judicial review litigation of 94%.
  • National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA): Julian manages Mills Oakley’s national team acting on behalf of the NDIA in merits review proceedings before the AAT. In acting for the NDIA, Julian and his team adopt a strong resolution focus through the AAT’s alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes, and always act in accordance with the Commonwealth’s model litigant obligations. Julian has also had conduct on behalf of the NDIA of a number of significant appellate cases before the Federal Court of Australia.
  • Services Australia: Julian manages Mills Oakley’s national team acting on behalf of Services Australia, acting before the AAT on second review of administrative decisions, and before the Federal Court on Australia on judicial review of the AAT’s decisions.
  • Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (INSLM): Julian was engaged as the lead Partner assisting the INSLM in legislative reviews of Australia’s High Risk Terrorist Offenders (HRTO) regime and the operation and effectiveness of the National Security Information (Criminal and Civil Proceedings) Act 2004. In particular, Julian provided advice on issues arising from the INSLM’s public hearings, and reviewed and provided advice on the INSLM’s final reports.
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT): Julian has acted for DFAT in litigation proceedings before the Federal Court of Australia, and was co-lead Partner of a ‘Sanctions Governance Administrative and Regulatory Review’ for DFAT’s Australian Sanctions Office and a ‘Design of Governance, Administrative and Regulatory Processes’ project for DFAT’s Foreign Arrangements Taskforce.
  • Department of Social Security (DSS): Julian was one of the Partners assisting DSS in the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme. His role was focused on providing advice about the legislative scheme, and advice about the development and implementation of law and policy within government.
  • Statutory interpretation and government policy: Julian regularly advises government departments in relation to statutory interpretation and government policy. He has also worked on a large number of freedom of information matters.
  • Drafting and training: In addition to advising on and defending administrative decisions, Julian has also drafted a large number of administrative decisions, policy documents, framework documents and decision-making guides and templates for government agencies. He regularly provides training to government on good decision-making practices.

Professional Memberships/Accreditation & Activities

  • Recognised Lawyer, Leading Administrative & Public Law Lawyers, Doyle’s Guide
  • Security clearance, Negative Vetting 1 (NV1), Australian Government Security Vetting Agency




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