
Nicola Murphy

Nicola Murphy is a Partner in our Sydney office working in the Toxic Torts team. She has extensive litigation experience from working in both the United Kingdom and Australia.

Nicola has experience prosecuting and defending complex claims under common law and statutory liability schemes.

Her experience includes prosecuting and defending common law claims relating to product, public, occupier, employer and personal injury claims including toxic torts, catastrophic injury claims and personal injury claims.


Nicola’s expertise includes:

  • Matters involving complex legal, factual and scientific issues such as foreseeability and causation.
  • Liability issues.
  • Alternative dispute resolution.
  • Acting in mediations and trials in Courts at all levels.
  • Conducting Australian cases both at trial and appellate levels.
  • Submissions to and consulting with the New South Wales Government and interested organisations regarding the Common Law and statutory schemes.

Recent projects

  • Defending claims in the Dust diseases Tribunal of New South Wales, primarily in relation to asbestos related pleural diseases, asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer.
  • Defending claim in relation to asbestos related diseases the NSW Court of Appeal.
  • Successful application for judicial advice with respect to Trustee’s interpretation of enacting legislation and trust instruments in the NSW Supreme Court.

Professional Memberships/ Accreditation & Activities

  • Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales
  • Legal Practice Course, College of Law, Chester UK
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Law, College of Law, Chester UK
  • Member of the Law Society of New South Wales
  • Current Legal Drafter of the New South Wales Law Reports Dust Diseases catchwords set





Mark Civitella

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