
Sonya Parsons

Sonya brings 20 years of litigation and dispute resolution expertise to helping charities, not-for-profit entities and commercial organisations resolve their disputes.

She has significant experience in advising charities and religious organisations in claims for historic institutional abuse, and educational institutions on regulatory investigations and actions.

As a trained mediator, Sonya can see all sides of a dispute and is intent on helping her clients resolve difficult legal issues as quickly and effectively as possible.


Sonya’s expertise includes:

  • Litigation in all courts and tribunals across NSW, as well as Victoria, Queensland, WA and NT
  • Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation
  • Advising on ways of avoiding reputational damage in complex public issues
  • Engaging with boards to assist them in meeting their obligations

Recent Projects

  • Acting for respondents in over 100 historic institutional abuse claims.
  • Advising clients on the entry to the National Redress Scheme.
  • Obtaining urgent interlocutory relief in the Supreme Court of NSW to prevent misuse of commercial information and breach of restraints.
  • Acting in Supreme Court of NSW proceedings in a claim for breach of warranties in a sale of business contract for $18 million.
  • Acting for non-government schools seeking administrative review of decisions in NCAT.
  • Advising childcare centres and Out-of-School Hours care centres on the Education and Care Services National Law.

Professional Memberships / Accreditation & Activities

  • Member, Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand
  • Member, Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association
  • Member, Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales
  • Member, Human Rights Committee, Law Society of New South Wales




Luke Geary

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