Combustible cladding and building reform update

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In this series of articles, we explain the landmark decisions relating to the Lacrosse Building fire and examine some key recent developments in building regulation reform.  These announcements of reform come after a further cladding fire in Melbourne and the Opal Tower final report into concrete cracking caused by design and supply issues.  Please click on any of the links to read more or click here to download the full article package.

  • Liability apportioned for combustible cladding: VCAT’s Lacrosse judgment will impact all building professionalsclick here to read
  • Personal liability for builders after Lacrosse fire: Lessons from the Victorian Building Practitioners Board sanction of LU Simon directorclick here to read
  • “Biggest overhaul of building laws in NSW History” – teaser released – what you should expectclick here to read
  • Class actions and product bans – cladding suppliers now feeling the heatclick here to read
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