Table of Covid-19 State & Territory Taxes and Other Relief

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We have prepared a Table of key areas of COVID-19 State & Territory taxes and Other Relief.

The Table sets out high-level description of the relief and other measures announced.

Certain measures are relevant to only certain qualified businesses, organisations or persons.

Various measures relate to:

  • Avenues to get extra cash in times of need;
  • Temporary waiver of costs and charges;
  • Temporary deferral of costs and charges;
  • Stimulus measures that may present opportunities for work or subsidies/rebates to assist certain businesses.

We would be pleased to discuss any of the measures with you and assist in advising on what measures may assist you based on your circumstances.

Ross Higgins
Private Advisory, Melbourne
Tel: 0403 601 541
[email protected]

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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