Third Dimension Issue 28 Winter Edition 2024

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Welcome to Mills Oakley’s 28th Issue of Third Dimension, our free legal newsletter for charities, not-for-profits, and community groups.

We hope you will find it useful and informative for keeping up to date with recent news, cases and legislative changes in the charity and not-for-profit sector.

To download this issue, click here.

Related Party Transactions & Confilcts of Interest

By Elizabeth Shalders, Special Counsel
Conflicts of interest, conflicts of duties and related party transactions are an increasing matter of interest and focus for regulators. There is often confusion about what these terms mean, and how they should be appropriately managed.  In large part, this is because the duties emerge from multiple sources.

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Nervous shock claims in historical abuse cases able to proceed

By Raini-Eve Webber, Lawyer
On 8 February 2024, the High Court of Australia denied the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne (‘Archdiocese’) special leave to appeal the Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision in The Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne v RWQ [2023] VSCA 197, citing insufficient prospects of success.

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Australia’s First Commonwealth Anti-Slavery Commissioner

By Georgia Davis, Senior Associate
On 28 May 2024, the Australian Parliament passed the Australian Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023. The Bill is yet to receive Royal Assent but in due course will amend the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (the MSA) which has been in force in Australia since 1 January 2019. The incoming Act will establish Australia’s first ever Commonwealth Anti-Slavery Commissioner. The Commonwealth Commissioner will join the current NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner in Australia’s fight against these heinous crimes.

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Options for NFP Collaboration

By Jonathan Salant, Associate

Collaboration can provide not-for-profits (NFPs) with opportunities to leverage the expertise, perspective, size and other capabilities of partnering organisations to deliver projects, strategies or initiatives that may otherwise be unavailable to them. This article will explore some options available for collaboration and the associated risks and benefits.

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Privacy Protection Reform – Upcoming Changes and Tips to Adapt!

A current priority of not-for-profits (NFPs) is ‘responding to changes in our operating environment’. There is particular concern regarding the rapid development of technology, and how relying on such exposes NFPs to potential privacy breaches. Mills Oakley NFPs, Human Rights & Social Impact Partner, Vera Visevic, outlines the proposed changes.

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    NFPs, Human Rights & Social Impact

    Third Dimension – Social Impact Bonds: Can your organisation harness its power?